Empathos Tiered Training creates relevant modules for professionals in a host of diverse practice settings.
Empathos eLearning offers multiple advantages:
- Ability to train a geographically dispersed audience in a short period of time
- Everyone gets a consistent message—no variation by instructor
- Significantly lower cost per participant than classroom training
What kind of eLearning works best for your audiences? Empathos offers all of these:
- SYNCHRONOUS, with real-time interaction between facilitator and participants
- ASYNCHRONOUS, with self-paced participant involvement
- COLLABORATIVE, with participants learning not only from an instructor but from one another
- BLENDED, with synchronous, asynchronous and/or collaborative all combining, and with potential addition of in-person training
Don’t be baffled by all the choices. We’re here to help guide you via a strategic Needs Assessment.
Custom Solutions
Empathos custom course solutions for your suicide prevention training needs cover all the bases.
They’re ONLINE or BLENDED to meet professionals’ needs and preferences.
They’re TARGETED to at-risk populations—in terms of age, demographics, geographical location, ethnicities and more.
They’re CUSTOMIZED for specific professionals to ensure the utmost in relevancy. We deliver customized training for a host of professions including addictions and mental health, public health, first response, emergency room, primary care and many more.
They’re LOCALIZED to state/province/tribal/systems levels to reflect relevant policies, statutes or mandates for professionals working within these systems.
They’re TIERED so each user receives just what’s needed for their respective role, with levels building on one another for comprehensive and efficient learning.
They’re INTEGRATED into your existing delivery systems including custom training solutions and existing learning or knowledge portals.