Here’s a listing of some of the scars from serving our country that many Veterans face: Adjustment difficulties Crying, stress, panic, loneliness Problem-solving, decision making, memory ...
Tag Archives: risk factors
Risk and protective factors
Suicide is a complex human behavior, with no single determining cause. The factors that affect the likelihood of a person attempting or dying by are known as risk or protective factors, depending ...
Back from the edge
“As someone’s role changes in a profound way, their mood can change. People have characteristics that are lifelong, strengths and weaknesses that they bring to the challenges of life. In ...
A father’s suicide
Robert Becker was a Wisconsin farm boy who was educated only through middle school before he dropped out to keep the family farm afloat. A lanky kid, Robert was 6’ 9’’ by his 18th birthday. ...
Role of male psyche
Why do American men kill themselves so often? And why do their chances of dying by suicide increase as they move into the middle years and old age? Understanding the differences between men and ...
A guy thing
These core requirements of male identity (Brannon, 1985) can contribute to lack of help-seeking behaviors among men across the lifespan, including those who become suicidal because they can no ...
Apart and alone
Bob Stern was one of a kind. He was a man’s man. A free spirit and adventure seeker who enjoyed being different and more capable—in his estimation—than others. Bob was a calculated risk taker, ...
Stealing our future
Suicide is a preventable tragedy. It is a thief that seeks victims from all races, socioeconomic classes and age groups, even America’s youth. Newly released data from the 2004 National Survey on ...
Rural America
Mental health research suggests that loss is a risk for suicide attempt and completion. Sudden loss, such as that brought about by the diagnosis of a terminal illness or threat of incarceration, ...
Rural disparities
For all the seeming peace of pastoral country life, those who reside in rural and remote areas face daunting challenges summed up by one word: loss. Patricia Kendall has learned firsthand about ...