Physician education is key

physicianeducationPhysician education in depression prevents suicide.

So does restricting access to lethal means.

This is borne out by a comprehensive review of research literature from 1966 to June 2005 for effectiveness of suicide-preventive interventions. Conducted by experts from 15 countries, findings show that physician education in depression recognition and treatment, and restricting access to lethal methods do indeed reduce suicide rates.

Other interventions need more evidence of efficacy.

This review is key for professionals to optimize use of limited resources and gauge which programs and elements are effective in reducing rates of attempted and completed suicide.


Suicide Prevention Strategies: A Systematic Review. J. J. Mann, A. Apter, J. Bertolote, A. Beautrais, D. Currier, A. Haas, U. Hegerl, J. Lonnqvist, K. Malone, A. Marusic, L. Mehlum, G. Patton, M. Phillips, W. Rutz, Z. Rihmer, A. Schmidtke, D. Shaffer, M. Silverman, Y. Takahashi, A. Varnik, D. Wasserman, P. Yip, H. Hendin. JAMA. 2005 Oct 26; 294(16):2064-74.
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